Women in the Wild: An Interview with Artemis Deerstalking Co-Founders

Women in the Wild: An Interview with Artemis Deerstalking Co-Founders

Out in all weathers and learning the lay of the land, being a stalker is a labour of love. Artemis Deerstalking is a group that is breaking down barriers and creating new opportunities for women in the traditionally male dominated world of deerstalking.

Let's start with the origins of Artemis Deerstalking. What inspired you to start this group?

Kate Langston: Artemis Deerstalking was born out of a desire to create a safe and supportive space for women to explore the world of deerstalking. We launched the group in October 2024 with a clear mission: to empower women to gain skills and confidence in this field, which has traditionally been male dominated.

Heather Taylor: We saw a gap in the community where women were often underrepresented and wanted to change that. By offering a platform where women can share their experiences, ask questions, and connect with trusted guides, we're helping to make deerstalking more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

It’s fantastic to see how you’ve paved the way for women in deerstalking. Your group is named after Artemis, the Greek Goddess of hunting. How does this name reflect your mission?

Heather: Artemis is a powerful symbol of independence, strength, and connection to nature—all qualities that we aim to embody in our group. We wanted a name that resonated with our mission to empower women and help them connect with the natural world through deerstalking.

Your group has grown rapidly since its inception. Can you tell us more about how Artemis Deerstalking operates and the community you've built?

Kate: We’re predominantly social media-based, with our main hub being a private Facebook group. This space allows our members to share their stories, photos, and experiences in a supportive environment. We also use it to promote our various events and connect members with trusted guides for deerstalking.

Heather: We’re also active on Instagram, which helps us reach a wider audience and spread the word about what we’re doing. Our community is incredibly supportive, and we’ve been fortunate to have regional ambassadors who volunteer their time to help run the group and organise events around their full-time jobs.

Deerstalking is often seen as an activity dominated by men. What challenges have you encountered in making this sport more accessible to women?

Kate: There are several barriers that women face in this field, some of which are unique to them. For many women, finding the time to pursue hobbies can be challenging, especially when juggling caregiving responsibilities. There's also the issue of affordability—deerstalking can be an expensive pursuit, and when managing a household budget, investing in oneself often falls to the bottom of the priority list.

Heather: Confidence is another significant barrier. Starting something new, especially in a male-dominated space, can be intimidating. Unfortunately, many women have had negative experiences in the past that might make them hesitant to step into this environment. We work hard to create a welcoming and safe space where women can build their confidence and skills.

How does Artemis Deerstalking address these challenges?

Kate: We focus on minimising these barriers in several ways. We offer a variety of events, from shooting and non-shooting activities to butchery, cooking, and fieldcraft. Our aim is to cater to different interests while keeping our events as affordable as possible.

Heather: We’re also proud to have a network of trusted guides who are willing to take beginners out stalking, sometimes even free of charge. This helps reduce the cost barrier and provides a safe, supportive environment for women to learn and grow.

It’s clear that you’ve created a strong, supportive community. What’s the atmosphere like at your events?

Kate: Our events are incredibly welcoming and friendly. Whenever possible, we host ladies-only events, which really helps create a supportive atmosphere. Whether it's a social event, a range day, or a cull weekend, our members are always greeted by a familiar face, either one of the co-founders or a regional ambassador.

Heather: We've also included a few men in our private group who are well-known to us and have years of experience. They’re knowledgeable, trustworthy, and committed to providing considered advice. We ensure that any interactions our members have with them, whether through events or guided stalking, are safe and positive.

What does the future hold for Artemis Deerstalking?

Heather: We're excited to continue growing our community and expanding our reach. Our goal is to make deerstalking accessible to even more women, breaking down the barriers that have historically kept them out of this space.

Kate: We’re passionate about deer management and the impact it has on our environment, but even more so about creating opportunities for women to explore and enjoy this world. We look forward to welcoming more women into the Artemis family.

Kate, Heather, thank you so much for sharing your story and your vision with us. It’s inspiring to see the positive impact you’re making in the world of deerstalking.

Kate: Thank you! We’re grateful for the opportunity to share what we’re doing.

Heather: It’s been a pleasure. We hope to see more women join us in the field!

Follow @ArtemisDeerstalking for more information about getting involved. 

You can also watch Artemis Deerstalking in action with Fieldsports Channel here

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